Breast cancer awareness month

Breast cancer awareness month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Women who had or have breast cancer, their families and friends don't need this reminder. But many other women do.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer for women is Israel, in all sectors.

You probably know at least one women who had breast cancer. Every year about 5,000 Israeli women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Early detection changes the course of the disease and the outcome significantly!

How do I perform early detection?

  • Start with checking yourself at home. See if there are changes in the shape, color or feel of your breasts and nipples. Check if there are lumps on your breasts or armpits, if there are irregular secretions from your nipples.

But…a home test is not instead of a checkup done by a physician.

  • physical evidence could appear after a malignancy in already in progress.

How to check myself at home? Watch this video:

  • According to researches, most women are diagnosed with breast cancer in the ages 50-74, thus the Isreali ministry of health recommend and pay for these women to undergo a mammography test every 2 years. The non profit "Ahat mitesha" (One of 9) are promoting a campaign to lower the age to 40 and encourage women to get tested! A Mammography test is a X-ray performed while applying pressure on the breasts. It's unpleasant but mostly doesn't hurt and is done quickly.
  • Who is in a high risk group? Women whom a family member was diagnosed with breast or ovary cancer, women who are carriers to the BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation, women who have had chest radiation, hormonal treatments, women who are over weight, smokers, alcohol consumers, and more. If you are in any way in high risk, and even if you're not- get tested!

Photo by: Pablo Heimplatz
