L.E.M lab and Nanostring technologies are glad to inform that Prosigna-PAM50, breast cancer molecular test is now included in Kupat Holim Meuhedet service plan. 

Prosigna-PAM50 is a genomic test performed in L.E.M lab situated in Nes-tziona science park (near Rehovot). The test provides a 10 year risk reaccurance evaluation, as well as a subclassification of breast cancer tumors. The test is performed by the most advanced machinery, and by highly trained staff, led by Dr. Shelly Hagag Korobkov. All test are supervised by two pathologists, a molecular pathologist and a breast cancer specialist. The answers are given in 5 work days only, saving patients and oncologists an unnecessary wait. The oncologist and caring physician are welcome at all times to call and consult the pathologists in the laboratory.

For more info call now 08-9380770.